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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Robert B. Reich

- by Robert Reich

REASON: why Liberals will win the war
- by Robert Reich

The future of Success
- by Robert Reich

The Work of Nations:
Preparing Ourselves for 21st Century Capitalism

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Welcome to the Entrepreneurs Workshop

Alright, lets begin with an honest affirmation. My name is Michael Russell, and I'm an entrepreneur.

I came up with a concept for this new non-profit organization that I call the Entrepreneurs' Workshop. Its kind of a scalable micro-business incubator, which means it provides basic business services and space at low cost for individuals who run small start-up businesses. I've had the idea for some time, so I'm implementing it. That's just what I do, I create ideas and store them until they ripen, then take action.

Tonight, I began to invite other entrepreneurs to join me in creating this enterprise, and I realized the need to update them on the progress of this organization, and to document it, and archive it. What I hope will be ongoing success, and further evolution of my ideas. So, I'm starting this web log to provide updated information and allow potential members to provide feedback, introduce themselves, and generally communicate.

You're free to contact me yourself and link this blog to your websites.

So here we go, another adventure.
I am excited.


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